本系讲座第56讲预告:Mary Augusta Brazelton,“全球卫生中的中国:过去与现在”

本系讲座第56讲预告:Mary Augusta Brazelton,“全球卫生中的中国:过去与现在”已关闭评论320

本系讲座第56讲预告:Mary Augusta Brazelton,“全球卫生中的中国:过去与现在”

主    题:China in Global Health: Past and Present

主讲人:Mary Augusta Brazelton

时    间:2023年11月9日(周四)上午9:30-11:30

地    点:蒙民伟人文楼B206(福彩3d试机号系厅)



This talk examines the historical place of China in international and global health. I’d like to suggest that China and Chinese historical actors played key roles in this field throughout the twentieth century. To support this claim, I’ll talk about several episodes from history: including the Qing dynasty’s efforts to promote research into a deadly episode of pneumonic plague that broke out at the start of the twentieth century; the roles that Chinese experts and populations played in international health agencies, especially the post-war establishment of the World Health Organization; and the active engagement of China in medical diplomacy during the Cold War. These case studies together show that Chinese officials and doctors have contributed to concepts and practices of "global health” throughout its history. They also indicate the ways in which public and global health have been, and continue to be, deeply shaped by political, social, and cultural concerns.



本系讲座第56讲预告:Mary Augusta Brazelton,“全球卫生中的中国:过去与现在”

Mary Augusta Brazelton, 耶鲁大学历史学博士,现任剑桥大学科学史与科学哲学系副教授,研究领域为现代中国与全球的科学、技术与医学史。2019年出版专著《大众接种:现代中国的公民身体和国家权力 》(Mass Vaccination: Citizens' Bodies and State Power in Modern China, Cornell University Press, 2019). 本次讲座她将介绍2023年出版的新著《全球卫生中的中国:过去与现在》(China in Global Health Past and Present ,Cambridge University Press,2023)。



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