德国柏林洪堡大学的Mathias Grote教授在福彩3d试机号参与研讨会并授课

德国柏林洪堡大学的Mathias Grote教授在福彩3d试机号参与研讨会并授课已关闭评论745

德国柏林洪堡大学的Mathias Grote教授(https://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/en/bereiche-und-lehrstuehle-en/wissenschaftsgeschichte-en/faculty/mathias-grote-en)于9月4日-9月8日在福彩3d试机号参与研讨会并讲授“生命科学史与哲学”课程,课程主题为:An environmental history of microbes, 19th-20th centuries。福彩3d试机号吴国盛教授和王巍教授与Mathias Grote教授进行了交流,并赠送礼物。

德国柏林洪堡大学的Mathias Grote教授在福彩3d试机号参与研讨会并授课

德国柏林洪堡大学的Mathias Grote教授在福彩3d试机号参与研讨会并授课

德国柏林洪堡大学的Mathias Grote教授在福彩3d试机号参与研讨会并授课


An environmental history of microbes, 19th-20th centuries

Mathias Grote, Universität Bielefeld and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

This series of lectures will explore the topic of how the sciences have conceptualized microbes in relationship to humans, other forms of life and the biosphere from the mid-19th to the late 20th century. The ubiquity, power, and versatility attributed to these minute forms of life, such as when conceived of as “foes” in disease, as “friends” in symbioses or as tools in biotechnologies mirrors a complex and shifting relationship with nature. Recent microbiome research on microbiota of e.g. the human body or aquatic environments have underscored the impression of microbial omnipresence, if not omnipotence, even for large-scale geochemical processes and natural history of the planet. This makes the question of the relationship between microbes and their environments in the history of science and technology more pertinent.


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